Inventive Research Organization (IRO) supports all the recent research activities of young minds. IRO started in the year 2016. IRO is a proprietrorship organization for the researchers and engineers in field of informatics engineering. The main objective of the IRO is "To raise leaders through the Research activities in the in the field of information technology and solve the issues of humanity."
The IRO members include software engineers, professors, scientists, engineers, scholars, and university postgraduate and undergraduate engineering and technology students, etc. The IRO also welcomes all the Engineering and Technical Corporate Organizations, Colleges and Universities to join us to exchange information and ideas; in according with our objective to facilitate this, we call upon to network with us.
Track - 1
Artificial Intelligence & Innovation
Track - 2
Wireless Communication, Antenna and Microwave Technology
Track - 3
IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing
Track - 4
Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits
Track - 5
Electrical Engineering
Track - 6
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Track - 7
Inventive Computation and Intelligent Systems
Track - 8
Smart Computing and Signal Communications
Track - 9
Digital Technology and Computer applications
Track - 10
Information Engineering and Software Management
General Guidelines:
Contribution: Paper should represent the novel research contribution. The paper should be written in English.
Theme: The paper should fall under anyone of the most relevant themes mentioned in the conference Call for Papers.
Length: Papers must be no longer than 25 pages, including all text, figures, and references (maximum of 25 references). Please download the paper template and follow the format carefully.
Format: The abstract should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document /PDF.
Review: Reviews will be handled directly by the technical program committee.
Documents that do not conform to the guidelines will not be preceded to the next stage and also the documents received after the given deadline, due to any reason will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
Submission Template:
The following link point to an example paper containing detailed formatting guidelines for Publication. The publisher also constitutes templates for paper submissions.
To download paper template – Click Here
We recommend that you use the provided Word file to produce your document, since they have been set up to meet the formatting guidelines detailed in the example paper
Author details should be included in the manuscript (Such as Name, Affiliation and Corresponding Author Email ID).
Mode Of Submission :
Once you prepared your paper according to the guidelines:
After successful submission, reply Email acknowledging the full paper submission will be sent via email within three working days.
After review, the corresponding author will receive a notification for Revision / Rejection / Acceptance.
Editorial Policy:
Multiple Submissions: Papers that have been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere cannot be considered.
Evaluation of Papers: Submissions are subject to editorial selection for inclusion in the proceedings, which will be published on Conference webpage and an acceptance letter will be sent to further register and publish the paper.
Plagiarism: Whether intentional or not, plagiarism will be considered as a serious violation. The act of Plagiarism include copying of ideas, text, data and other related works (e.g. tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as new research without proper citation. Plagiarism acceptance level of less than 20% and single source should be less than 5% will be considered for the review process. To avoid plagiarism, proper and appropriate citation practices should be followed.
Important Note: We are very serious about the plagiarism content, we accept only original article. The article may be rejected any time if found plagiarized.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in any one of the following journals.

Notification of Acceptance
Once the committee reaches the decision, we issue an acceptance letter to the delegates to register for the conference. Before registering to the conference, the authors must agree that at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper at the conference event.
Registration Documents
- Final Camera Ready Paper [Updated according to reviewer comments, if received any].
- Copyright Agreement
- Payment Acknowledgement Screenshot
Note: Confirmation of your registration will be sent by email within 2 working days of receipt.
In order for ICIECCA to publish and disseminate research articles, the conference and IRO Journals need publishing rights. This is determined by the publishing agreement signed between the author and publisher. The copyright deals with the transfer of rights for publication purposes only. The author retains significant rights to use and share their own published articles.
Registration Fee
Indian Author: 3000 INR / paper
Foreign Author: 60 USD / paper
Registration fee includes,
- E-Certificate for all authors
- Free Online Journal Copy
Payment Methods:
Use any of the following payment methods.
Account Number | 1662135000005403 |
Account Name | Inventive Research Organization |
Bank Name | Karur Vysya Bank |
IFSC Code | KVBL0001662 |
Branch Address | 13 76 A, Sitra Road, Nehru Nagar, Civil Aerodrome Post, Kalapatti, Coimbatore - 641014. |
Presentation Schedule:
- A detailed schedule indicating the time slot for each paper presentation will be displayed on the conference homepage and it will also be shared a week before the conference via Email. Authors are advised to strictly follow the timelines given.
- Each Presenter will get 15 Minutes to do their Presentation (PPT is Recommended with no specific template and slide limitations).
Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy:
- Before 30-50 days prior to the start date of the conference, and providing you have official paper acceptance and registration payment screenshot, you may cancel for a refund of the amount received by us less a 25% processing charge.
- The cancellation must be requested by email. After 30 days before the start date of the conference, no refund is possible. If you have had a paper included in conference proceedings, no refund is possible even if you cancel.
- We reserve the right to not to make refunds until up to two weeks after the conference.
- No refund will be made if a delegate is in breach of any of the submission/registration guidelines [If any plagiarism detected, the paper will be rejected at any stage of publication and no refund will be initiated.]